Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Announcing the full lineup of the New York Film Festival. I've seen Mike Leigh's Happy-Go-Lucky, with the radiant Sally Hawkins as an ever-chipper schoolteacher (pictured).

As the summer movie season winds down Salon is a little late with an essay on "blockbuster fatigue". Like, maybe 15 years late, as relentless torrents of CGI replaced wit, emotion, and simple imagination in would-be crowdpleasers.

An uncut Psycho is found abroad. Will Gus Vant Sant have to redo his, too?

The misadventures of a subtitler in Europe are recounted. Porn is involved.

Are you a dyed-in-the-wool cinephile? If so, you probably have to catch a screening and have no time to read this.

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